I had one crazy night and even crazier morning when I heard Vice President Joe Biden on NPR eulogize war criminal Ariel Sharon as a "complex man" in, I believe I heard him say, complex times. Just ask the dead of Qibya, the Palestinian village he exterminated in 1953, if they forgive his complexity. And let's not forget that 'complicated' uber-nationalist psychopath's role in the 1982 massacres at Lebanon's Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Killing comes easy to fascists, even ones who wear mezuzahs. No wonder Sharon was in a coma for eight years! Both heaven and hell refused him. God knows where he ended up. It is probably in some "nether" world where men who forsook their souls must dwell.
As I learn more about the history of the Jewish state, I feel more and more despair. Sharon is just one of the many Zionist thugs who have governed with Caligula-like brutality since May 1948. I finally read UN Resolution 181, passed 11/27/47, which partitioned Palestine. This Mandate gave the Jews who represented 35% of the population and owned only 6% of the land, 55% of Palestine. Yet as unfair as this was to the Palestinians, the Zionists were still unsatisfied. David Ben-Gurion complained that because 40% of the people in his future stretch of the former Palestine would be non-Jews, there would never be a "stable basis" for a Jewish state. This meant ethnic cleansing was a foregone eventuality from the earliest days of Israeli independence. So listening to Biden play lip service to the Jewish myth of the implacable Arab menace--which has always been, to my mind, a projection of fevered Zionist racism and paranoia--was sickening to me. Let's return to the real history of Israel.
When the Mandate provoked resistance, bloodshed ensued. Is it any wonder that President Truman came to have doubts about the partition. In case you didn't know, the State Department realized that the Partition Plan was an abject failure and briefly proposed revoking it in favor of a five-year trusteeship. Since this might have led to a one-state solution, you can imagine how well that went over with the Zionists!
To prevent any second thoughts about the Partition, the Israelis escalated hostilities by implementing the infamous "Plan Dalet." This involved attacks on peaceful Palestinian villages to provoke so-called "retaliations." The plan, which started with the massacre of the village of Deir Yassin (Palestine's equivalent to Wounded-Knee) on April 9, 1948, involved stirring up the Palestinians to a "war" of self-defense, and making the issue a bogus one of threatened national security. True, the Jewish Agency condemned the massacre by the Irgun, but then immediately integrated them into the Army (Haganah).
Meanwhile, Jewish conquest continued--using "shock and awe" tactics against major cities. Twelve days after Deir Yassin, Haifa was attacked from the air. A few days later, Israeli bombardment forced nearly 80,000 Palestinians to flee Jaffa. Yet despite blunt, naked aggression, the Israelis made it look like the Palestinians, who were understandably resisting confiscation of their land, seem like the aggressors!
Zionists are fond of saying that the Arabs didn't treat the Palestinians any better than they. What they don't tell you is that the US made Arab stooge states like Jordan and Egypt the beneficiaries of land expropriation, giving Jordan the West Bank and Egypt the Sinai Peninsula--prize pieces of the Palestinian pie. Partition won and served, as it was meant to, as a prelude to total absorption of Palestine into what was called long before Israeli Independence "eretz-Israel" (Greater Israel). I have long feared that the Palestinians will be the Armenians of the 21st century.
In short: I recognize a Sudetenland when I see one.
Zionist propagandists like to position themselves as a tiny besieged minority simply protecting its UN-decreed right to exist in a sea of angry Arabs. But the opposite is true. The Palestinians, who were never consulted about the Partition Plan, were a besieged majority who never stood a chance. Don't forget that the Arabs were still subject to the draconian anti-gun ownership laws imposed on them by the British in 1936 to stop the first Intifada. For example, these laws made ownership of a single revolver a crime punishable by a mandatory six-year prison term. So while the Zionists had been busy arming themselves to the teeth since the early 1940s, the Palestinians were virtually "toothless" when it came to protecting themselves and their lands.
Please pardon me if the only tears I shed for Ariel Sharon are those I need to provide me with enough moisture to spit on his grave. Sharon was a terrible man. And nothing can excuse his inhumanity against Arabs and his avid participation in the creation of today's Israeli Apartheid state. As a Jew, I am appalled and ashamed of what my people have done.
I know many of you reading this will think I am a rabid anti-Semite. That is not true. I support the right of Jews to have a state, but only if its existence doesn't come at the expense, if not total exclusion, of its former occupants. To me, Israel is an existential expediency born of World War II; it has yet to earn moral legitimacy in the eyes of its neighbors. I doubt it will ever do so. Reparations must be made and confiscated lands restored. Israel must cease, or be forced to end, its immoral occupation of what is rightfully Palestine's.
To allow Israel another day as overseer of Palestine is one of the gravest injustices the world must endure. To me, it's like returning a fleeing boy to John Wayne Gacy's "custody" and "care." Biden's sycophancy at the Sharon memorial service leads me to conclude that America will remain a craven captive of Israel--and Palestinians have less of a future to look at than their almost totally erased past.
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